InvestigationsOil’s well that ends well: How Russian oil exports sail past the G7’s price cap — with European help14 March 2025Andrey Zayakin
InvestigationsSovereign cyberpunk: Despite sanctions, Western components are still being used to build Russia’s cyberwar machine8 January 2025Andrey Zayakin
CORRUPTIONAll is fair in steel and war: Italian equipment used in making military armor continues to be supplied to Russia7 December 2024Andrey Zayakin
CORRUPTIONBullion bypass: How Russia circumvents sanctions to export billions of dollars worth of gold through Armenia25 November 2024Andrey ZayakinSeda Hergnyan
CORRUPTIONProsecutors' Business Bank: Tracking the offshore money laundering scheme of Zheleznyak and Leontiev20 October 2024Andrey Zayakin
POLITICSDeafening success: Precision equipment for electronic warfare continues flowing to Russia from the West despite sanctions4 October 2024Andrey ZayakinTimur Olevsky
CORRUPTIONOur flag means cash: The Latvian trader abetting Russia’s billion-dollar oil sanctions evasion24 September 2024Andrey Zayakin
SOCIETYPoor man’s lend-lease: Russia continues to import U.S. microchips needed for missile navigation and Internet censorship despite sanctions23 August 2024Andrey ZayakinDada Lyndell
SOCIETYWafer rush: Taiwanese silicon is a key component for Russian military microchip production30 July 2024Yian LeeAndrey Zayakin
POLITICSNo go for Moscow: Russia’s military-industrial complex keeps trying to order key equipment from Taiwan but vigilant banks stop exports15 July 2024Yian LeeAndrey Zayakin
ECONOMICSWorth their weight in tantalum: Indispensable capacitors for missiles and drones make their way into Russia via Lithuania and China30 April 2024Andrey Zayakin
SOCIETYSkolkovo DIY: How Russia manufactures FPV drones to kill Ukrainians9 April 2024Dada Lyndell Andrey Zayakin
ECONOMICSWho's on board: “Russian” internet censorship electronics are not so Russian after all25 March 2024Andrey Zayakin
POLITICSShould I stay or should I go? German drill manufacturer announced withdrawal from Russia, but supplies of its production continued15 February 2024Andrey Zayakin
POLITICSTaiwan has become the Russian arms industry’s main source for high precision machine tools 26 January 2024Yian LeeAndrey Zayakin
POLITICSSanctions hit the bull’s eye: FBI traps and arrests Russian businessman supplying displays to the military1 November 2023Andrey Zayakin
POLITICSPutin's digital Iron Curtain: Russia bypasses sanctions, buys equipment to block YouTube and Telegram10 October 2023Dada Lyndell Andrey ZayakinMikhail Klimarev
POLITICSJustice served? Swiss Attorney General's Office turns blind eye to machinery supplies for Russian military plant21 September 2023Andrey Zayakin
POLITICSAnti-Russia feels, dual-use deals: Latvian firms supply Russian army with microchips despite sanctions19 September 2023Andrey Zayakin